Other publications by Jean-Christophe Nebel
P. Aksenov, I. Clark, D. Grant, A. Inman, L. Vartikovski and J.-C. Nebel
Proc. 8th 3D Modelling symposium
Paris, France, 2003
Cited by
Google Scholar: 45,
ISI Web of Knowledge: 7
& SCOPUS: 10
): 48
We aim to develop a non-invasive imaging technology to allow early, accurate and quantitative detection of inflammation. Thermography has been used for decades by biologists and clinicians to isolate main sites of body heat loss and to assist with diagnosis of biomechanical problems. However, thermography is still viewed as an accessory to conventional clinical examination procedures because it only provides qualitative data. The new technology we develop will greatly enhance the usefulness of thermography for clinicians, as it will provide quantifiable data. This technology is based on the combination of visual 3D imaging technology and thermal imaging technology. The combination of these imaging facilities allows the generation of combined 3D and thermal data from which thermal signatures can be quantified.