Hierarchical Content-based Database of Surveillance Video Data


Multi camera surveillance systems can accumulate vast quantities of data over a short period of time when running continuously. In our research we address the problem of how this data can be efficiently stored and annotated using a hierarchy of data abstraction layers to support online queries and event recall.


Surveillance systems are required to record video data continuously, so in case of an inquiry, personnel can access the video and search for particular events. Analogue surveillance systems use tapes to store the video streams. Reviewing the video can be time-consuming, as personnel has to linearly access the video tapes search for video events.
Automated surveillance systems can store video data in digital form.  However, the amount of uncompressed video data generated by a single CCTV camera in a day is vast, up to 4 Terabytes. Therefore, storing and accessing of the data is quite problematic, especially if storing is required for longer periods or if the system consists of multiple cameras.

Database Overview

The surveillance database comprises four layers of abstraction:
This four-layer hierarchy supports the requirements for real-time capture and storage of detected moving objects at the lowest level, and the online query of activity analysis at the highest level. Computer vision algorithms are employed to automatically acquire the information at each level of abstraction.

Database Overview:
Database Design Diagram

Image Framelet Layer

The image framelet layer is the lowest layer of the database and aims to represent the raw video, captured by each fixes camera of the surveillance system.In order to achieve efficient compression of the video data, an MPEG4-like compression method, based on background/foreground separation (motion detection), is used. More specifically, at each frame the system stores image framelets that correspond to foreground detected objects. Video data can be reviewed by repositioning the image framelets on a maintained background image. This approach provides a very efficient compression rate of 1000:1, much higher than traditional compression techniques such as MJPEG and MPEG.

Examples of Image Framelets

Object Motion Layer

The object motion layer relates the framelets of the same object in different frames. The correspondence between framelets is based on the motion tracking  process of the surveillance system, therefore it can visualised by a trajectory for each tracked object. Object motion layers are established for each single camera view, based on single camera motion tracking. A universal object motion layer is also established for the system virtual field of view, based on multiple camera motion tracking.

Sets of trajectories (one trajectory per object) for different camera views of the system

Semantic Description Layer

The semantic description layer represents static features of the scene, such as entry/exit zones, paths, junctions, etc. These features are automatically obtained by unsupervised machine learning algorithms that are applied on large sets of motion observations. Because the structure of the scene is closely related to the observed motion, it can be argued that the semantic description layer summarises the motion activity of all the observed objects.

Entry/exit zones and paths for different views of the system

Meta-Data Layer

The meta-data layer links the information of the the lower layers (image framelet, object motion) to the semantic description layer. It summarises the information of an object with very few parameters, such as entry point, exit point, time of activity, appearance features, and the route taken through the FOV.


This diagram illustrates how video is replayed by projecting imageframelets on the background, using the object motion layer positions
Image Framelet Layer

This diagram shows the results of two queries that ask for objects moving between specific entry/exit zones
Queries Results


J. Black, D. Makris, T.J. Ellis, "Hierarchical Database for a Multi-Camera Surveillance System" in 'Pattern Analysis and Applications', 7(4) Springer, December, pp. 430-446. ISBN/ISSN 1433-7541 (2004) abstract
J. Black, T.J. Ellis, D. Makris, "A Hierarchical Database for Visual Surveillance Applications", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2004), June, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1571 - 1574. (2004) abstract download
J. Black, T.J. Ellis, D. Makris, Chapter "A Distributed Database for Effective Management and Evaluation of CCTV Systems" in 'Intelligent Distributed Video Surveillance Systems', Edited by S.A Velastin & P Remagnino, Institution of Electrical Engineers, pp. 55-89. ISBN/ISSN 978-086341-504-3 (2006) abstract

About this work

This work of  James Black, Tim Ellis and Dimitrios Makris is part of the IMCASM project funded by EPSRC.