Kingston University
Jean-Christophe Nebel

Platform for Animation and Virtual Reality

Position: Research Assistant

Funding: EU (TMR)

Duration: 1997-2000

Jump to: Project description | Keywords | Publications

Project description

The aim of the project was to create a common animation platform allowing different teams to cooperate in a distributed virtual environment. PAVR is a EU funded TMR project involving several university research labs of the European Union. One of its main objectives is to design a common animation platform allowing different research teams to cooperate in a distributed virtual environment. In this environment, each client can use its own software to manage his or her objects and display the scene. No particular hardware, operating system or graphics library is required.
In particular, the University of Glasgow provides an environment for the keyframe animation of articulated figures, where a new interpolation method producing autocollision-free motions was developed.

Research interest keywords

computer graphics, animation, virtual reality, internet  


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Last updated on June 2004