Kingston University
Kingston University
Other publications by Jean-Christophe Nebel

Stroboscopic stereo rangefinder

J.-C. Nebel, F. J. Rodriguez-Miguel and W. P. Cockshott


The Michelangelo dynamic 3D scanner uses stereo rangefinding along with strobe illumination to capture 3D information at 25 frames per second. The configuration allows rapid motion within the capture volume to be frozen into a series of virtual sculptures. Textured strobe illumination is used for range data and plain strobe illumination for colour data. We present examples of data captured with the system along with measurements of the tolerances attained in the measurements.

Cited by ( Google Scholar: 10, ISI Web of Knowledge: 2 & SCOPUS: 4 ): 12


2007 2004 2003 2002 2001