Kingston University
Jean-Christophe Nebel

V-Man: Creation of the Virtual Man

Position: Principal Investigator

Funding: EU (Framework 5)

Duration: 2001-2004

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Project description

The V-Man project aims to develop an intuitive authoring system allowing any kind of user, without any particular computer skill, to create, animate, control and interact with a new generation of 3D virtual characters: the V-Men.

The 3D-MATIC Research Laboratory is in charge of the creation of the virtual humans. The aim is to produce automatically 3D models of scanned people, which can be animated directly by commercial animation packages. The created virtual humans have to be indistinguishable from real humans and they should also be recognisable individuals. The models have to be segmented automatically (clothes and limbs). Moreover skin and soft tissue properties should be made available in order to ensure a realistic animation. These can be divided in 3 tasks:


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computer graphics, computer vision, simulation, skinning, 3D scanners, virtual actors  


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Last updated in September 2005