Kingston University
Engineering, Computing & the Environment

Jean-Christophe Nebel | My Popular Science Articles


Jean-Christophe Nebel

Professor of Computer Science

REF Coordinator for UoA11 (Computer Science and Informatics)
School Director of Research & Enterprise
School of Computer Science & Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering, Computing & the Environment
Kingston University, London
Kingston Upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE, UK

For more information, see my personal homepage.

Jump to: Research activities | Publications

Research activities

Machine Learning & Computer Vision
Bioinformatics - Protein sequence & structure analysis using pattern recognition
Other Research Topics - Renewable Energy Management, Game Theory, Computer Graphics, Parallel Programming...
Public Engagement, and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Promotion

I am willing to supervise PhD students interested in the areas of pattern recognition, machine learning, and deep learning with applications including computer vision, visual surveillance, bioinformatics and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Since I currently do not have any funding to support PhD projects, you would need to have your own source of funding. Please click on the following links to find information about fees and living costs. I look forward to discussing your PhD application with you.

Publications (Most cited papers)

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